
In the past Chris Tregenza has been a marketing consultant, an art student, game designer, blogger, technical director, software developer, and web designer.

In the future, Chris will be taking photographers and trying to make the world a tiny bit better.


Chris Tregenza provides photography, graphic design and marketing consultancy for charities, organisations and ethical businesses.

Sample Graphic Design


Chris Tregenza is a leading member of Open Nottingham, a loose collection of activists who help groups organise and promote events and protests.

In the summer of 2020, the far-right organised a march to spread their hate disguised as a “kid & veterans” protest. Chris Tregenza help organise a counter-protest and produced videos to high-light the far-right nature of the marches.

Direct Action

During the pandemic, Nottingham was plagued by anti-vaxx / Covid-deniers with strong links to the far-right. Chris Tregenza set about annoying the fuck out of them by heckling and counter protesting.

On January 3rd 2021, two hundred right-wingers and Covid-deniers held an anti-lockdown “Freedom Rally” in Nottingham. Chris Tregenza put himself at the front of the march. Photos are via a professional photographer covering the march and featured in the Daily Mail.

My presence seriously annoyed one Covidiot who made a video all about me and my demonic art.

Photo by Alan Tash, 2022