Pic(s) of the Week 2023-02-16

A relatively quiet week photographically with just two events to cover which had limited scope creative image making. This week’s featured photo (above) is not the best photo I’ve taken but it is certainly the most wildly seen. My images from Mansfield picked up for an article in the Byline Times which and this image was used on their social media.

I prefer this photo from my day in Mansfield though it’s nothing to do with the protest. The long pedestrian area made a great backdrop and using my 70-200mm I could frame it nicely. I did some photo-editing to lighten up the busker and I suspect I over did it.

Perhaps the strong photo of the week based on visual impact. This one taken the UCU strike day and one of a growing rarity of black & white images. The groups I support tend to prefer colour rather than a more artistic approach.

This scene caught my eye as the road climbing up the hill gives a sense of scale while the protester with the sign gives the foreground a flash of colour and illustrates the story.