Pic(s) of the Week 2023-04-06

It’s that time of year where the weather is extremely changeable, flipping from torrential downpour to glorious sunlight often in minutes. It is also the Easter break from college so things have slowed down a bit as I catch up with other projects and some of the written work for the degree. That has meant spending more time with my cats and grabbing the odd photo when both light and my feline overlords cooperate.

This shot from the Stapleford Pro-Choice Demonstration 2023-03-25 which I like. It was an odd demonstration, very small and across the road from the clinic itself. The shot was taken at one of the brief breaks in the April showers giving it nice light but the whole scene is slight confusing. The bus stop in the background makes the demonstrators look like they are queuing for a bus with only the sign giving a clue otherwise.

Covering the skateboarding event as a lot of fun, challenging photographically due to the speed and general chaotic nature of the event but it did benefit from good light for most of the day. I like this shot because it captures the afternoon nicely. People on their phones, an audience, a camera guy trying to get the shot and the action and excite of the trick itself written on the skater’s face.