Pic(s) of the Week 2023-04-20

This week has been a people and portraiture, which is an area of photography I love. The shot above wasn’t a formal shot, I just snapped it as one of staff at the Village Launch Day was just standing around. Everything about the shot is pleasing – the light, the physique of the subject, the pose and how the design of the t-shirt complements the body shape.

This chap is a busker (DJ The Anarchist Busker) who I spotted in Beeston. We got chatting because his songs were very political. Only after a few minutes did I ask for a shot. Not the greatest portrait I’ve done captures something of the man.

This shot is from a formal photoshoot I did with a client. The simple colour palette, the texture of the tree bark and the subject looking straight into the camera creates a strong image.

The final image is just one of the opportunistic shots of oddities seen on the street. A small inflatable duck (a child’s swimming float?) sitting in a city centre doorway often frequented by smokers and the homeless. As well as the bizarreness of the situation, the colour palette works really well with the text of the ground / door / duck.